Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I just experienced my first encounter with 'Irongut', featuring Konrad and Michelle.  Pretty much, you get 'points' for doing a challenge, and the number of 'points' rewarded is assigned by a group of professional and learned judges.  See, I put 'points' in inverted commas because I am yet to discover what purpose, or function these magical 'points' offer.  And I don't think the contestants of Irongut quite know either.  I bet they're doing it just to show their face on TV.  Maybe so Chi will know who my friends are at college and thus by-pass the casual 2000km stroll to Adelaide and back.  Anyway, to compete against Jen's gallant skull of a cup of tomato sauce, for 2 points, Konrad swallowed a 3/4 tablespoon of pepper, no water on the side (it was supposed to be 1 tablespoon, but while dishing out the pepper, we decided we were neither inhumane nor sadistic and thus relented), followed by a three point play: Michelle downing a cup of a milk-chilli sauce mix, 3:2 ratio, with a hint of pavlova.  Yes, it was mega disgusting. 

So you may be asking: You haven't blogged in ages.  Why are you back? Instinctively, my first question would be 'Who the hell are you', then 'have you noticed that when you speak, it gets transcribed in italics?  That's so cool', followed by the more polite answer 'I'm trying to get back into a regular blog habit'.  It's building one of those good habits: like flossing every night (even though I'm currently reading an article which concludes 'that a routine instruction to use floss is not supported by scientific evidence (Berchier, 2008).' Take that referencing Nazis.), eating an apple a day/week/month, not playing DotA, and actually attending all my lectures at Uni (yes, Chi and Joon, I'm looking at you).

Anyway, it's only first week, so nothing to say.  lol, easy blog post for me.  Just went to uni, came home, ate some foodies, hung out with college people then nighty night.  Very chills week, aided by having a long weekend.  Oh, and have been watching Masterchef, and loving it.  Also, Justin, 1st year Med guy, was so cut when they booted out the hot halfie girl on the first episode lololol (Michelle was like 'What are you guys smoking, she's not good looking' initially.  By the end of the show, Michelle retracted her statement.  Convincing powers, coming through).  Ah well, there's one other girl, and her name is 'She's alright', cos she's ugly.  No, you idiot, it's cos she's alright.  Fail much.

Okay, got to get back to work, Masterchef time soon.



Saturday, April 17, 2010


So, my brain is very tired from reading about immunology for next week's assignment.  And my body is tired 'cos its 11:33pm and my sleepy time should be at 10 =(.  Anyway, must fight through lethargy to complete this blog post!

In other news, I've decided not to re-read my post about lists and things I wanted to do these holidays, as I don't think I have the heart to deal with the tsunami of anger, disappointment and self-reproach that will inevitably ensue.  But I did eat pho; and the pho was nice.

Had a boardgames day at my house with the USyd crowd.  'Forced' them to watch 'Trent from Punchy'; now I'm 'forcing' you to watch it as well.  I shouldn't say 'forced', in inverted commas; it sends the message that I didn't really force them, and didn't actually throw the ones who refused into a pit of fire with cobras.  You'd think the cobras would die in the fire.  No, it just makes them more angry.  Anyway, enjoy!

When told to watch this video by my mates from Adelaide, they did say 'The only person I wanna meet more than Trent, is Kev.'  lol, Kev is a sicko.   

Dropped by USyd as well, and in true Adelaidian spirit, I'd describe it as 'heaps good'.  But the best part was at the end of the night, with Mo, Joon, Trent and Aimy, eating a steak sandwich and sharing stories.  Some of the stories included the infamous VJ strip show, the Rage against the Nicola Machine, and interesting couples with curious age gaps (I thought Yr 12 guy to Yr 7 girl was kinda freaky.  Aimy does note that she was smoking hot.  However, I still find the Yr 11 girl with a Year 7 guy super pedo-woman-bear).

By far the best story was Trent and Aimy's story from their friend from Girra.  Pretty much, this guy (we'll call him Gunbound boy, GBB for short), was playing Pokemon on his computer.  Okay, I lie, it was Gunbound.  Anyway, while GBB was playing, a girl who had decided she liked GBB, despite his GB obsession, and make her move by asking him out over MSN (in her defence, she was in year 8 at the time).  So, quite characteristically, GBB is in a game of Gunbound at the time, and alt-tabs after hearing the DUM-DUM-DUM MSN sound.  He fails to read the text in the window, and just replies 'Yeah', and returns to his game of Gunbound, LOL so fail.  THEN the girl's best friend gives him a ring: he answers the phone; she says 'So you're going out with (GBB's girl)'; he replies with the always charming 'Huh, I am?'.  LOL Trent says the relationship lasted an extensive 12 minutes.  Making and breaking up before even seeing each other face to face.  There must be a World record for these things, right?  And for all those die hard gamers who must be wondering 'so, was he so distraught that he became a rage-leaver in the gunbound game?', you can breathe easy, he went straight back to the game after the phonecall.

Anyway, I'll be heading back to Adelaide at the end of this week.  No more media =(.  Since I know Chi didn't like Trent from Punchy, maybe he'll like this one:

lol, he speaks many truths.  'Everybody underestimates the kick in the groin'.  Yes they do.  They really do.

Anyway, I'm really really really tired right now.  Anyway, some Simpson's trivia to end the night!  (I mean morning):  In a Simpsons episode, Smashing Pumpkins' lead singer Billy Corgan guest stars, and introduces himself to Homer saying 'Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins'.  What is the main plot of this episode, and how does Homer respond to Billy?

Catchya later!


P.S. Answer: Hullabalooza episode where Homer becomes part of the freakshow - cannon in the gut.  And he responds 'Homer Simpson, smiling politely'.  Good old wikipedia, refreshing my childhood memories.