I was having an MSN conversation with one of my friends the other night. For the sake of anonymity...we'll just say it was Chi. Anyway, I mentioned it would be a strange day when someone I knew got married. However s/he begged to differ, and thought it would be quite cool, even awesome. In an attempt to show the error in his way (did I just say his?), I asked whether it would still be 'awesome' if the first marriage was a gay or lesbian marriage. This prompted the following (unfortunately, I can't copy paste, 'cos blogspot starts to whinge about 'form error'. So I'll just type it out):
Person who may or may not be Chi says:
no to gay weddings
i will rephrase
jsut for you
Joshua says:
Person who may or may not be Chi says:
itd be really cool if one of our friends had a healthy, normal, problem-free, perfect romance wedding soon
Joshua says:
Person who may or may not be Chi says:
[stuff which may reveal this person's identity]
Joshua says:
u just brought the gay and lesbian revolution back a few decades
with ur arguably obtuse use of the words 'normal' and 'perfect'
to describe heterosexual relationships
You are probably reading this and thinking 'What's wrong with what Chi said? I mean, the person who may or may not be Chi'. There's nothing wrong with it. Other than the fact that, to me, it fits the category of Politically Incorrect: PI. (It's also quite gaybar)
One occured on the train home from church yesterday. A group of teens behind me were talking very loudly about God and the Bible. Clearly they had studied the bible with great care, as one guys (who had the whole gay voice thing happening) pointed out that 'God' backwards was 'dog' (was very tempting to inform them about the dog-scale), told one of the others they were going to hell and said the devil was an angel who lost his wings. If I had a Bible handy, I would have contemplated giving him an old Bible-slap on the face for his Politically Incorrect-ness: PI, and make him repeat after me 'God is not dog, but you are do6!' over and over until he reached his stop. But, I'd probably get deported from Australia for being a weirdo.
Probably the majority of Politically Incorrect: PI moments occur during the innocent game of pictionary. After the CBS talk, we crashed Josh Lau's place, and played a variant of pictionary, subtlely named 'Chinese pictionary'. There are no winners and losers to this game; this provided a good reason to not participate (what's the point then...). Anyway, as a participant in the game, you are handed a stack of scrap paper, and you write a word or phrase on it. This is placed at the bottom of the stack, then passed to your neighbour, who reads this and then tries to draw it as best they can; then it is passed to their neighbour, who tries to identify what the gay is going on in the picture. This process continues until it reaches the original person. Anyway, Lorraine (a UNSW med person I met for the first time. James made a mega lame joke: Who's fault is it for the Australia's drought? Lo-rraine) put 'farmer performing artificial insemination on a cow'. Since this is a family friendly blog, I cannot provide details. But the pictures which were drawn - not family friendly in the slightest. They could also be described as Politically Incorrect: PI.
Speaking of Chinese (note: must improve segue subtlety skills), after staying in Asia for so very long (two weeks/19 years = 0.002 of my lifetime. I don't know why I even did that calculation), coming back to Australia has gotten some getting used to. I still chuckle at the mere fact that people walking on the street are Caucasian. All the ads don't have asian people in them anymore. The locals gamble with cards, not tiles. Did I mention the black hair deal? What's with that?! Not a good adapter to change, I must say. Now I feel sad...
But this is a happy blog! No more sadness.
Anyway, I came across this ad again, and it made me feel a whole heap better. lololol. It even provides a moral of the story at the end of it, how awesome.
And this reveals another thing about my surprisingly quiet co-writer, Mo. He's got Irish blood running through his veins! Tune in next week for a new fact about Mo! (This will stop once Mo puts up a post.)
Am I allowed to disclose this information? Please don't hurt me Mo =(.
Okay, I'm out. Seeya later!
2019 post…
6 years ago
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