Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gays and Cereal...sounds like the name of an Indy rock band.

'Where did you get that shirt?  Faggots-R-US??'

lololol.  Dent kids quoting from some video.  Gay man just got snapped. 

Also, speaking of gays, the gay guy in our year got a bit...handsy on the pub crawl, and started kissing everyone.  Franco, who was a bit tipsy at the time, nearly punched him out as a result.  You'd immediately think 'wow, temper issues' and back away from the angry man (but it's Franco - he's a good guy).  But then straight after, we're walking along a pedestrian crossing, and midway Arun decides to do some pushups.  LOL.

The moral of that story:  If it were anyone but Franco, Gay man would really have gotten snapped, knuckle sandwich style.

But we must move away from gay people right now.  I'm here just to say hi to all those lovely people in Sydney.  Yes, I am in Adelaide; yes, I am still alive (your feeble attempts to kill me will not go unpunished); and finally yes, you are quite correct in observing my consuming food, of the cereal variety.  Because, if there's one thing that's keeping me going in Adelaide, it is the sweet taste, pleasant aroma and highly assessible nature of cereal.  In particular, Cornflakes.  Because it is $6.42 for 750g, unbeatable value. 

Unfortunately, I don't have time to explore the awesomeness of cereal.  Busy week, sadface =(.  And I really must finish this bowl of cereal. 

Back to work, peon style. 

Cya later!


Friday, May 14, 2010


A man on a mission you say?  Or did I say it?  Regardless, clarification may be necessary: when you/I say 'a man', it should be noted that this man is me.  Not a general 'man' ('general man' *followed by salute*), cos that would be way to broad.  Because I am on a mission: to stop saying 'frick' [henceforth 'Word of death' or WOD].

See, the youthful readers of this blog only see a small slice of me, and as a result, are rewarded with ecstacy (at low low street prices).  Yet, they are unaware of the unimportant, yet overtly important fact that I say [WOD] quite frequently.  Or rather incessantly.  It's gotten to a point where people around me have caught on, where a mate of mine recently texted 'Dude, where the [WOD] are you'.  Sure, he said that partly out of courtesy, in the place of a swear word (which has saved me much time and effort to transcribe the text message: this family friendly blog refuses to accept profanities and nonsensical words like 'abciximab'...HOLY CRAP THAT'S A WORD, WHAT KIND OF RETARD TEACHER AT HIS RETARD SCHOOL TAUGHT HIM TO SPELL WORDS).  Anyway, long story short, or in fact, no story at all, abciximab is the most stupid word in the history of man kind.  Worst.  word.  ever. 

Did I recount a completely redundant story merely to bag out that word abciximab?  Um...yes.  I think I just did. 

In other news, I've successfully gotten some of my friends to say 'gaybar' even more frequently than I do.  lololol.

Speaking of gay, I have a sad revelation.  I asked the gay guy in my year if he faced towards or away from the shower.  He said towards the shower head.  =(.  So that was very mega sad.  Goodbye Shower head Theory, may you sprinkle joy on someone else's head in the future. 

Okay, back to work.  Still crossing my fingers that Sarbin will come out to Pub Crawl with us.  A man can dream.  Oh yes, he can.  And that man is me.  On a mission by the way. Well, not really.


Saturday, May 8, 2010


It is without a doubt that I speak from the bottom of my heart when I say


However when I say

How are you?

I definitely don't mean it.

Thinking about blogging made me think: What have people suggested that I blog about? There are so many things, so I'm just going to put them all into one spot (an anagram for post woo).

I get really pissed off at the fact that LMFAO get most of the credit for "Let the Bass Kick in Miami Bitch", and Chuckie rarely gets a mention. I'm sure everyone's heard the mashup:

This is a combination of Chuckie's song "Let the Bass Kick" and LMFAO's "I'm in Miami Bitch". Dunno who orchestrated it, so let's say it was equal involvement. However, LMFAO are by far the more popular guys out of the 2 'groups' (Chuckie's just one guy).

Let's look at the originals.

So let me know which you think is better. I think Chuckie's song is way way better and LMFAO's song is just boring. And this is why I get pissed off at Chuckie's lack of credit for the popular mashup.

Quick lighthearted moment.

Ok I promise there will be less youtube in this colour. Mr Adelaide can't watch youtube because he doesn't understand how to circumvent uni nets. I think I know who will survive the great aussie firewall. So how do I feel? I am contented at the moment people. It's very comforting to know where your spot in life lies after arguing about it with yourself for many a time. And I continue to live one day at a time. I don't like to know in advance where the sunshine and rain takes me. But it takes me to good places.

And finally, some amazing jazz rap to get your ears chillin'.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So Counterstrike, in a trenchcoat, standing outside your door. What do you do, GO.

So.  I just started doing my tutorial worksheet, just minding my own business and trudging along.  Then there's a knock on my door:

"Counterstrike????" says PJ (Pharmacy Josh; I'm apparently DJ as a result), with a corny smile on his face and holding a perfect 'ta-da!' pose.  Thus the title: reminds me of those guys from How I met your Mother.  Steaksauceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

So Counterstrike is now installing on my computer.  Your accusing eyes are hurtful, but won't change a thing.  I've already done the click OK to continue; there's officially no going back now.  Anyway, since I've put work on pause, I thought I may as well do a quick blog post.

It's just started raining over here.  And I believe it's a cry for justice.  For example, Tuesday morning: I'm in a 8am Periodontology lecture, listening to the lecturer, when suddenly, she stops her lecture and says 'Looks like someone is sleepy', looking right at me.  It must be noted that
a) It's an 8am lecture, of course most people in the room are sleepy.
b) Despite the sound logic of (a), I'm not sleeping; I'm not even half-sleeping, or daydreaming, or simply not paying attention (I got a good 8 hours of sleep).  In fact, I'm listening to what she has been saying and I'm LOOKING RIGHT BACK AT HER.
So, of course, I don't flinch, and assume she's talking about someone else.  But then, she's like 'You, in the glasses.'  WHAT THE HELL.  I'm just sitting there, stunned mullet, followed by a long 'Errrrrrrrrrr, are you serious...".  Did she not read a): there are a tonne of other people who her statement may apply to, but not frigging me, not at that moment WHEN IM FRIGGING LOOKING RIGHT AT HER.  Once again, rain.  Hand of Justice awaits.  Hopefully to smack her in the face.   

Anyway, I've gotta start playing CS.

Oh, in spite of the angry capitalised letters, I'm not angry.  The next lecture, we were introduced to the beta blocker 'proponolol'.  lololol.  lolololololol.

Cya later!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

V for Vomgoshmymindjustexploded!

Disclaimer: This is a short intermission from normal blog broadcasts in light of recent media which I have viewed these past days.

V FOR VENDETTA, OMGOSH, JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT, IT WAS LEGEN- WAIT FOR IT... DARY!  Yes, I've also been watching my fair share of How I met your Mother. 

Two mind explosions in one day.  Finished watching Fight Club just before lunch, had a similar reaction to the one above. 

I'm aware that the artsy fartsy, pendantic smantic readers who essentially pride themselves as Movie critics will be thinking I'm
(a) behind the times; these are epicly old films, and
(b) Making a big fuss over nothing too special, it's just Fight Club and V for Vendetta. 
And to those people, I say (a) I'm living in Adelaide; things are a little backwards here, and (b) Take back those filthy evil lying liar lies, they were awesome movies. 

Anyway, I'm going to sleep.  Okay, clearly that was a lie, I still need to recuperate from the MASSIVE MIND EXPLOSION.  Remedy: more How I met your Mother, I think that will do the trick.
