Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gays and Cereal...sounds like the name of an Indy rock band.

'Where did you get that shirt?  Faggots-R-US??'

lololol.  Dent kids quoting from some video.  Gay man just got snapped. 

Also, speaking of gays, the gay guy in our year got a bit...handsy on the pub crawl, and started kissing everyone.  Franco, who was a bit tipsy at the time, nearly punched him out as a result.  You'd immediately think 'wow, temper issues' and back away from the angry man (but it's Franco - he's a good guy).  But then straight after, we're walking along a pedestrian crossing, and midway Arun decides to do some pushups.  LOL.

The moral of that story:  If it were anyone but Franco, Gay man would really have gotten snapped, knuckle sandwich style.

But we must move away from gay people right now.  I'm here just to say hi to all those lovely people in Sydney.  Yes, I am in Adelaide; yes, I am still alive (your feeble attempts to kill me will not go unpunished); and finally yes, you are quite correct in observing my consuming food, of the cereal variety.  Because, if there's one thing that's keeping me going in Adelaide, it is the sweet taste, pleasant aroma and highly assessible nature of cereal.  In particular, Cornflakes.  Because it is $6.42 for 750g, unbeatable value. 

Unfortunately, I don't have time to explore the awesomeness of cereal.  Busy week, sadface =(.  And I really must finish this bowl of cereal. 

Back to work, peon style. 

Cya later!



  1. If your title was in reverse order, would it be Serial Gays? Just a thought.

  2. lol

    serial gays on the loose. they must be stopped.
