Sunday, June 20, 2010

Adelaide, you discriminate against monkeys as well?!

After J.Lee watched Aladdin 2 nights ago, he has been going on about getting a pet monkey (he decided that getting a pet tiger was a little too ambitious, even for him).  But, he just screamed out (like, literally 1 minute ago), 'Ah CRAP, you can't get a pet monkey in South Australia.  And they cost $1500'.  lolololololol.

I know I say this quite frequently, but DAYAM, Hot Fuzz, greatest movie.  Is it wrong for me to rank multiple movies as greatest movies?  The short answer would be yes. 

The long answer you ask?  Probably also yes...

Regardless, it made me laugh so hard seeing the old granny copping a flying kick to the face.  There are few situations, real or imagined, where one could marvel at such a spectacle.  It was truly amazing. 

However, life ain't all fun and games.  I've still got exams looming.  But it seems, by Monday night, Mo will have finished all his exams!  (yes, I know what you're thinking - what a fag)  So, in the perspective of you, the reader, I guess Mosh is halfway to the end of exams.  So hurray!  Sorta...

Okay, back to work.  But before you go back to work, if you haven't watched this already, look up on youtube 'pigeon cyanide and happiness'.  So epic.  So very epic. 



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