Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I like writing lists =)

It has been brought to my attention that Daniel, both Emma's (yes, BOTH Emma's), and potentially many more of my deprived Dent friends have not eaten pho before.  PHO!!!  A few things struck me in quick succession:
  1. What are they doing with their lives?!
  2. I haven't had a good bowl of pho in ages; I'm really craving some pho now =(
  3. No, really, what the heck have they wasted 18 years of their life doing which has kept them apart from eating pho, one of the most glorious yet stunningly simplistic cuisines of all time?
But I'm no hypocrite; there must be a tonne of things I've yet to have or experience. With holidays fast approaching, there are a couple I'd like to do before they end, like:
  • Having a week long marathon of movie marathons.  Oooooo, I'm gonna get very le fat.  
  • Cook a banquet.  Probably will need that food for the movie marathons.
  • Master the speedball.  
  • Beat Chi in a game of pool.  Like actually beat him, not beat him by luck.  Okay fine, that's not gonna happen.  But a man can dream.
  • Eat a kebab, pad thai, pho and a roast for breakfast, lunch, arvo tea and dinner.
  • Actually be part of the winning team in Articulate.  Wow, I'm so bad at the game.  
  • Pull something Sarbin-esque.  For example, read all of Sherwood in one sitting.  The only thing which matches the epicness of its sadness is its EPIC DIFFICULTY.  Mind over matter, babe.
And I reckon those are plausible.  Gonna have a boardgames arvo soon, allowing me to hone my Articulate skills.  Then, a movie marathon easily extends from that.  I can do the four epic meals in one day when I visit Usyd.  As for the speedball and beating Chi at pool, that may take a little longer...lol.  That looks like a good list, except for the last point: Shotgun NOT. 

For those who are not acquainted with Sarbin, trust me, you will know him one way or another.  He has many aliases.  Allow me to outline a small portion of his known exploits in the sporting arena:
  • Sarbin created the 5 point play; he still gets the ball in when fouled during his free throw attempts.
  • No one has ever scored a point against Sarbin in basketball.  And when Sarbin blocks a shot (which is always), he scores a 3 pointer.
  • Sarbin beat the Lakers 1 on 5.
  • Though Sarbin was selected to play in the NBA, English Premier League and the World Series simultaneously (as his own team), he declined the offers to be a lecturer in the Adelaide BDS course. 
  • Sarbin throws the ball to himself to score a touchdown.
  • The Super Bowl has been recently renamed the Sarbin Bowl, in his honour.
  • Sarbin takes out 7 wickets in an over.
  • Sarbin has bowled out the 12th man.
  • Sarbin runs out three batsman in his first ball.  
  • You can't play pool against Sarbin; the game ends after the break.  
  • When Sarbin picks a pocket for the 8-ball, he picks a pocket on a different table.  In a different building.  In China.  Just for funsies.  And 'cos he can.  
  • Sarbin beat Usain Bolt; you just didn't see him.  He was giving his victory speech to the press before the gun had sounded.
  • To conclude this section, Sarbin is an intimidating man.  Beware: Sarbin has counted to infinity; three times.   
Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarbin bro.  Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarbin.
    Hurray for writing lists!

    Anyway, I best be off.  More lectures to catch up on.  Two more days 'till holidays!


      1 comment:

      1. yeh abt that josh...

        joon kinda owned me the other day

        he beat me 5, 4 and then beat me in the ultimate winner as well :(

        not a dream anymore haha
