Monday, March 15, 2010

Royal Flash

What up, you messing with a dirty MOSH PIT!!

Mo came back from Comsoc Camp. Hectic time he had. But I'm not one to transfer anecdotes into blogs because my name is moshmo, not moshjosh.

Instead I will share a bit about my emotional dealings.

Recently, baby, I was down down down down down. But not down like Jay Sean. Down like sadbearman. I was granted a way out, up into the air, using the balloons, but with no disrespect to the ferocious polar bear, it's too constructed for me. Instead, a fan has inspired me to change my attitude. And you know how ceiling fans are, blades of fury, I'm sure the j in mosh (hey theres no j in mosh) can insert some dota move instead but. OH BLADESTORM, that's what it's called. Yes, bladestorm chucks me into the air. So end result: happiness is obtained only by what I believe and want. I knew that already. But I must look within me. And then, project outward to those who matter. Then it's all terrific.

Enough crap. Now, uni work. Hmm, falling into old habits of lack of sleep. Hmmmm. No worries, big study from now on. Ok, enough talk from the mo.

Quick shout out, artsy people who read this, can you get me essay tips, I have to write an anthropology essay for next week lol.

OH, just for josh, since he has forgotten what NRL looks like, I have been informed that the dragons powered over the eels with incredible tactics by Grand Master Wayne Bennett, and pinpoint awesome kicking by the Young Gun Jamie Soward. BREATHING EFFING FIRE PEOPLE.


  1. so you were fanned?! did he MOtivate you? lol im punny

  2. heart jamie soward booting it 15m into the grandstand
    dragons '10 baby
