Saturday, February 5, 2011


Ah, you might say, Beta? Are you being Beta-tested mo? Wrong. It's the Eszett.

Eszett for life motherfluffer*.

I wanted to draw to your attention what it is I exactly do on the internet. Most of the time I read informative articles on the world, on specific topics, whatever. But I'm not talking that. I'm talking fun stuff. And here are three I want to point out in particular.

First off, IT'S TEAM GENIUS!

They have a short series that is full of awesomeness, and are currently uploading season 2 to Youtube.


That video doesn't give justice to how awesome these guys' series are. They play a whole bunch of games, including WoW, Fallout: New Vegas, Minecraft, and whatever comes out, and they are just freaken hilarious about it.


Just watch him.

Gotta go, keep reading Josh's posts, he is a very funny man and he likes it when people read them, it makes his man-love for Chi have purpose.


*josh doesn't like me swearing. he threatens me with johnny gan.

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