Monday, January 17, 2011

Even Chi is sometimes forced to travel. Clearly, there is something wrong with our world.

It came to my attention that one unnamed author of this blog UNEXPECTEDLY DITCHED the audience of this blog (for example, Chi.  Actually, he stopped reading the blog long ago, as a weak act of defiance.  The blog drew so much attention to him, many unwholesome organisations invested millions of dollars to determine who or what this 'Chi' was.  At least he got some practice in travelling - away from multiple assassins and spies.  Despite being hunted down, his main concern seems to be, and I quote: "Now how am I supposed to get a job???").

Furthermore, the other unnamed author of the blog LIED MALICIOUSLY to the audience of this blog (for example, Chi.  Not again - force of habit), claiming there would be more posts in the near future.

Upon careful discussion with the other author of this blog, we realised our foolishness.  As moral, upright Australian citizens, we couldn't stand idly by while our faithful audience felt abandoned and deceived  (most importantly, deceived).  We decided to atone for these past wrongs.  Make amends as it were.  Seek repentance.  Make up for these atrocities.

Then we suffered some technical difficulties (we lost the password to access the blog).





And, we're gone again.  Goodbye!


P.S. At least this time, we said goodbye.  Stay tuned for our next episode, which may or may not contain some actual content!

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