Monday, March 8, 2010

Some things are just not meant for blogs. Like this post.

I've learnt there are some things which one should not blog about.  For example, when I was walking to the ATM, accompanied by Graeme (cool Malaysian guy, very chilled and laid back) and James (cool Half-Chinese guy from Hong Kong, whose build matches his choice to do Physio at uni), Graeme said he was craving an 'Ab'.  Of course, I inquired into what these 'abs' were, hoping the answer did not involve cannibalism.  They used this term to describe what USyd people who know as a 'kebab on a plate' with chips.  In fact, 'ab' stood for 'abortion', in particular, the image of blood and the dead foetus and all the other junk; that's what they thought a kebab on a plate looked like.

See, that was a horrible image.  That's why some things were just not meant for blogs.   Contradictory much lololol.

Anyway, one good thing that has come about being in Adelaide is that today is a public holiday.  Good old South Australia, giving all the citizens here a day off to doll up, bet ludicrous amounts on horses and get so drunk they can't tell apart men from women (don't ask me, ask a doctor.  No, seriously, if you are that drunk, you really need to see a doctor, if you want your liver to remain inside of your body rather than in a bin). 

Oh dear, offending the South Australian government was also on the list of things which shouldn't be deal with on this blog.  Scrap that last bit.

Unfortunately, one more thing that seems to have deserted this blog are media links.  And it's totally not my fault.  This college has blocked all media from the net.  Well, that's what they told me.  I suspect Chi had a hand in this, just as a little reminder to me that yes, he has travelled across the lands, and yes, it is part of his qualifications to run to Adelaide, tell the staff to block all media access to my computer and run back to USyd, in time for his Maths lecture (which he wouldn't end up going to anyway; he'd just play pool).  Yes, that was in his CV.  You should see that thing.  It weighs a tonne of brick.  Or a tonne of feathers.  But bricks does sound more manly, and I bet it is a bit heavier.  lololol.

Some things were just not meant to be, I guess.  We'll just have to wait and see.

But I really really REALLY hate the waiting game. =(.


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