Friday, January 29, 2010

Racism against Asians: Hong Kong says no.

Greetings fellow earthlings.  I don't know why I went the sci-fi route today, but it did feel promising.

I'm slowly learning more about this interesting place I like to refer to as Hong Kong, which was greatly aided by following Kenny and Arthur in their travels.  Chi would definitely be proud.  During our travels, Kenny and I agreed to re-enact the famous self-explanatory game-show 'Spot the White Guy/Girl', popularised during the mid 90's in Hong Kong, as a public outcry against Pauline Hanson and the policies of the One Nation party, with the slogan "Whatever Pauline Hanson can do, we can do better".  The Chinese have always been a competitive race, and a new political party "Yellow Nation" created spin-offs from the game show, forming the less innocent 'Bash the White Guy/Girl', followed by 'Abduct the Non-Yellow child', and finally the most sinister version, 'Sell-products-at-twice-the-price to Non-Asian Scum', a game which continues this very day.  It was due to these terrorising games that Pauline Hanson threw in the towel and turned from her racist ways.  Sorry for the history lesson.  At the end of the day, Kenny scored 27 points, which outshone my respectable score of 24.5 points.  I still believe my score deserved bonus points, 'cos of the sheer difficulty of obtaining half points in the game.   

At the sight of a Caucasian child, I was severely tempted to claim further points by participating in one of the latter spin-off games.  However, I decided to choose life over points.  I'm only human.

Couple of other things happened of note:
  • I refered Kenny and Arthur to Damien's blog, which can be found here (highly recommended); don't be alarmed by the content warning.  I won't spoil it for you, but Kenny is loving it lol. 
  • Tried to order lunch in English with Kenny's assurance that the lady could understand me.  Obviously, I didn't believe Kenny, and this lack of faith resulted in my English slowing down to Matrix bullet time, so eventually Kenny butted in with his super fluent Canto. 
  • All the posters on the walls have Asian people on them, not skips!  It's amazing.  Couldn't stop laughing. 
  • We walked into many gaming/anime stores.  Arthur said they are generally owned and run by gangsters.  What the gay, sorta ironic that the gangsters are surrounded by cute dolls and random figurines.  I tried my best to avoid eye contact, but it was inevitable =(.  Stupid ironic gangsters.
It was a great blessing to see Kenny and Arthur yesterday, both who I haven't seen in yonks.  May even see them later today. 

I've recently been asked to bring back a pair of nunchucks from Hong Kong, since I'll be leaving HK tomorrow.  Unfortunately, I'm fearful for my life, and cannot fathom taking them through customs.  They'll whip the nunchucks out and nunchuck me back to Australia, whilst shouting 'What chu doing with these nunchucks, banana boy (How racist of him, just cos I dont speak Cantonese)?  They are not for kids, brother, they ain't no toys, brother!'  I wonder why the man is speaking like a black man.  Anyway, I'll get the nunchucks if you can prove you're worthy of wielding them to the calibre demonstrated by Bruce Lee:

After, you must challenge me to a duel.  Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

This has been a very Asian-centric post.  I've been in Hong Kong for too long. 

To wrap up, if anyone from Maths 2 is reading this...SHATNER!  (But it's 10 better when it's started by the borderline inaudible whisper of Fatty, sads : < )


p.s. now I miss Mr Perrins, what a legend.  All who agree, say I!


  1. I!

    greetings, fellow alien life form.

    nice to see your time in hk has been fun!

    hey, when you're back, up for some tennis?

  2. hey justin,

    ok I will make sure I'll be there at least once for some tennis.

    Mr Perrins!
